WWW ChemTools
- Ion Formula by Mol. Weight
- Isotope Pattern Calculator
- Mass Loss Calculator
- Periodic e-Table
WWW BioTools
- EMBL Peptide Search - protein ID from peptide mass and sequence data
- FindMod - post-translational modifications by peptide mass
- GlycanMass - oligosaccharide mass from structure
- GlycoMod - oligosaccharide structures from mass
- Javascript Protein Digest - peptide digest masses
- Javascipt Fragment Ion Generator for peptides
- Mascot Search - peptide mass and sequence tools
- Mowse - protein identification from peptide MS data
- Protein Prospector - mass spectra interpretation tools
- PROWL - identification of proteins from MS data
classic articles
The papers that signaled the birth of mass spectrometry and revolutionized the field. Papers are shown in chronological order.
Stoney, George Johnstone : Of the "Electron" or Atom of Electricity from Philosophical Magazine 1894
Perrin, Jean: New Experiments on the Kathode Rays from Nature 1896
Thomson, JJ : Cathode Rays from Philosophical Magazine 1897
Thomson, JJ : On the Masses of the Ions in Gases at Low Pressure from Philosophical Magazine 1899
Thomson, JJ : On the Number of Corpuscles (electrons) in an Atom from Philosophical Magazine 1906
Thomson, JJ : Rays of Positive Electricity from Proc. Royal Society 1913
Soddy, Frederick : Intra-atomic Charge from Nature 1913
Aston, Francis: The Constitution of the Elements from Nature 1919
Aston, Francis: Isotopes and Atomic Weights from Nature 1920
MS Book Suppliers
- Academic Press
- amazon.com
- American Chemical Society
- Barnes & Noble
- Humana Press
- Royal Society of Chemistry
- Wiley Interscience
MS Journals
- European Mass Spectrom.
- Intl. J. of Mass Spectrom.
- J. American Society of MS
- J. Mass Spectrometry
- J. MS Society of Japan
- Mass Spectrometry Reviews
- Rapid Communications in MS
Literature Search
- Beilstein Abstracts
- ChemWeb
- Current Contents - ISI
- PubMed - NCBI
- PubScience - DOE