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A Beginner's Guide to Mass Spectral Interpretation
Terrence A. Lee
Hardcover, 1998; ISBN 0-471-97628-8

A Global View of LC/MS : How to Solve Your Most Challenging Analytical Problems
Ross Willoughby, Edward Sheehan, Samuel Mitrovich
1998, Paperback, ISBN: 0966081307
Publisher: Global View Publishing

Advances in Mass Spectrometry
Edited by: I. Cornides, G. Horváth, K. Vékey
Hardcover, 1995; ISBN 0-471-95323-7

Biological Mass Spectrometry: Present and Future
Edited by: T. Matsuo, R. M. Caprioli, M. L. Gross, Y. Seyama
Hardcover, 1994; ISBN 0-471-93896-3

Applications of Mass Spectrometry to Organic Sterochemistry
Edited by: J. S. Splitter, F. Turecek
Hardcover, 1993; ISBN 0-471-18676-7

Biomedical Applications of Mass Spectrometry
Edited by: C.H. Suelter, J. T.Watson
Hardcover, 1990; ISBN 0-471-61303-7

CRC Handbook of Mass Spectra of Drugs
Michael Caplis, Irving Sunshine (Editor)
1981, Hardcover, 457pp., ISBN: 0849335728
Publisher: Franklin Book Company,

Determination of Molecular Weight
Edited by: A.R. Cooper
Hardcover, 1989; ISBN 0-471-05893-9

GC/MS: A Practical User's Guide
M.C. McMaster, C. McMaster
Hardcover, 1998; ISBN 0-471-24826-6

Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry:
Fundamentals, Instrumentation and Applications, Edited by: R. B. Cole
Hardcover, 1997; ISBN 0-471-14564-5

FT-ICR/MS: Analytical Applications for Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance
Mass Spectrometry, Edited by: B. Asamoto
Hardcover, 1991; ISBN 0-471-18734-8

GC/MS in Clinical Chemistry
Petra Gerhards
Hardcover, 1999; ISBN 3-527-29623-9

Handbook of Static Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
D. Briggs, A. Brown, J. C. Vickerman
Hardcover, 1989; ISBN 0-471-91627-7

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Edited by: A. Montaser
Hardcover, 1998; ISBN 0-471-18620-1

Inorganic Mass Spectrometry
Edited by: F. Adams, R. Gijbels, R. Van Grieken
Hardcover, 1987; ISBN 0-471-82364-3

Interpretation of Mass Spectra (4th Edition)
Fred W. McLafferty, Francistek Turecek
1996, Hardcover, ISBN: 0935702253
Publisher: University Science Books

Interpreting Protein Mass Spectra : A Comprehensive Resource
Peter Snyder
2000, Hardcover, ISBN: 0841235716
Publisher: American Chemical Society

Introduction to Mass Spectrometry (3rd Edition)
J.Throck Watson
1997, Hardcover, ISBN: 0397516886
Publishers : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Large Ions: Their Vaporization, Detection and Structural Analysis
Edited by: T. Baer, C-Y.Ng, I. Powis
Hardcover, 1997; ISBN 0-471-96239-2

Handbook of Mass Spectra of Environmental Contaminants
Ronald A. Hites
1992, Hardcover 1st ed., 592pp; ISBN: 0873715349
Publisher: Lewis Publishers

Mass Spectrometric Characterization of Shale Oils
Thomas Aczel (Editor)
1986, Hardcover; ISBN: 0803104677
Publisher: American Society for Testing & Materials

Mass Spectrometry (2nd Edition)
J. Barker
1999; ISBN 0-471-96762-9

Mass Spectrometry Basics NEW!
Christopher Herbert; Robert Johnstone
2002, ISBN: 0849313546
CRC Press

Mass Spectrometry for Biotechnology
Gary Suizdak
1996, Paperback, ISBN: 0126474710
Publisher : Academic Press

Mass Spectrometry of Peptides and Proteins
Ed. John R. Chapman
2000, Hardcover, ISBN: 089603609X
Publisher: Humana Press

Mass Spectrometry: Principles and Applications
E. De Hoffmann, J. Charette, V. Stroobant
1996; ISBN 0-471-96696-7 (Hardcover), ISBN 0-471-96697-5 (Paperback)

Mass Spectrometry / Mass Spectrometry: Techniques and Applications of
Tandem Mass Spectrometry, K. L. Busch, G. L. Glish, S. A. McLuckey
Hardcover, 1988; ISBN 0-471-18699-6

Methods in Enzymology: Volume 193 Mass Spectrometry
Ed. James McCloskey

Modern Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
I. T. Platzner
Hardcover, 1997; ISBN 0-471-97416 -1

Pharmaceutical Mass Spectra: A Compilation of Mass Spectra of Drugs Metabolites
Ardrey (Editor)
1997, Hardcover, 1st ed., ISBN: 085369172X
Publisher: Rittenhous

Practical Aspects of Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Gordon M. Message
Hardcover, 1984; ISBN 0-471-06277-4

Practical Organic Mass Spectrometry: A Guide for Chemical and Biochemical Analysis
(2nd Edition) John R. Chapman
Paperback, 1995; ISBN 0-471-95831-X

Principles and Practice of Biological Mass Spectrometry
Chhabil Dass
2000, Hardcover, ISBN: 0471330531
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Protein Sequencing and Identification Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Michael Kinter, Nicholas E. Sherman
2000, Hardcover, ISBN: 0471322490
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Proteome Research : Mass Spectrometry (Principles and Practice)
P. James (Editor)
2000, Paperback, ISBN: 3540672567
Publisher: Springer Verlag

Quadrupole Storage Mass Spectrometry
R.E. March, R. J. Hughes
Hardcover, 1989; ISBN 0-471-85794-7

Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: A Practical Handbook
R. G. Wilson, F. A. Stevie, C. W. Magee
Hardcover, 1989; ISBN 0-471-51945-6

Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: SIMS IX
Edited by: A. Benninghoven, Y. Nihei, R. Shimizu, H. W. Werner
1995; ISBN 0-471-94218-9

Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: Basic Concepts, Instrumental Aspects,
Applications and Trends, A. Benninghoven, F. G. Rudenauer, H. W. Werner
Hardcover, 1987; ISBN 0-471-01056-1

Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry SIMS XI
Edited by: G. Gillen, R. Lareau, J. Bennett, F. Stevie
Hardcover, 1998; ISBN 0-471-97826-4

Understanding Mass Spectra: A Basic Approach
R. M. Smith
Hardcover, 1998; ISBN 0-471-29704-6
Publisher: Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated

Wiley/NBS Registry of Mass Spectral Data
Fred McLafferty, Douglas B. Stauffer
Hardcover, 1989; ISBN 0-471-62886-7


MS Journals

  • European Mass Spectrom.
  • Intl. J. of Mass Spectrom.
  • J. American Society of MS
  • J. Mass Spectrometry
  • J. MS Society of Japan
  • Mass Spectrometry Reviews
  • Rapid Communications in MS

Science Journals

  • Analyst
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Nature
  • New Scientist
  • Science
  • Scientific American

Literature Search

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