WWW ChemTools
- Ion Formula by Mol. Weight
- Isotope Pattern Calculator
- Mass Loss Calculator
- Periodic e-Table
WWW BioTools
- EMBL Peptide Search - protein ID from peptide mass and sequence data
- FindMod - post-translational modifications by peptide mass
- GlycanMass - oligosaccharide mass from structure
- GlycoMod - oligosaccharide structures from mass
- GlycoSuiteDB - search database with oligosaccharide mass
- Javascript Protein Digest - peptide digest masses
- Javascipt Fragment Ion Generator for peptides
- Mascot Search - peptide mass and sequence tools
- Mowse - protein identification from peptide MS data
- Protein Prospector - mass spectra interpretation tools
- PROWL - identification of proteins from MS data
past feature
Special Delivery
The space shuttle Atlantis recently delivered a quadrupole mass spectrometer to the international space station Alpha. Officials at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said it was specifically designed for use outside the space station. It can detect ammonia, rocket propellant, oxygen, nitrogen and water leaks. "The instrument will promote space flight safety for the international space station," JPL's Dr. Ara Chutjian the principal investigator on the project.
The quadrupole mass spectrometer array is about 5 cm long. It's part of a shoebox-sized system with software and visual readout. The entire unit weighs about 2.3 kilograms and can be carried on an astronaut's chest pack. A small screen shows a graph indicating any detected gases that could pose a safety risk to the astronauts, such as ammonia leaks from fittings on the new U.S. built science laboratory Destiny. Astronaut Thomas Jones had to undergo decontamination procedures after being sprayed by ammonia while hooking up hoses between the science lab and Alpha on February 10th.
According to Chutjian "JPL has developed the smallest mass spectrometer ever produced for either manned or robotic spaceflight". The system was developed in collaboration with NASA and subcontractor Oceaneering Space Systems.
MS Journals
- European Mass Spectrom.
- Intl. J. of Mass Spectrom.
- J. American Society of MS
- J. Mass Spectrometry
- J. MS Society of Japan
- Mass Spectrometry Reviews
- Rapid Communications in MS
Science Journals
- Analyst
- Analytical Chemistry
- Nature
- New Scientist
- Science
- Scientific American
Literature Search
- Beilstein Abstracts
- ChemWeb
- Current Contents - ISI
- PubMed - NCBI
- PubScience - DOE