WWW ChemTools
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WWW BioTools
- EMBL Peptide Search - protein ID from peptide mass and sequence data
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- Javascript Protein Digest - peptide digest masses
- Javascipt Fragment Ion Generator for peptides
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- Mowse - protein identification from peptide MS data
- Protein Prospector - mass spectra interpretation tools
- PROWL - identification of proteins from MS data
Michisato Toyoda receives the IMSS Curt Brunnee Award
Dr. Michisato Toyoda, an Assistant Professor at Osaka University, is to be awarded the 2003 Curt Brunnée Award at the forthcoming international conference on mass spectrometry. The award, which carries a research prize of $US25,000 is made "for outstanding contributions to the development of instrumentation for mass spectrometry by a person under the age of 45 at the time of the award".
Dr. Toyoda's recent research has included the construction of ion sources for ion trap-time of flight hybrid mass spectrometers and the development of a multi-turn time-of-flight mass spectrometer 'MULTUM II'.
www.i-mass.com congratulates Dr. Toyoda.
MS Journals
- European Mass Spectrom.
- Intl. J. of Mass Spectrom.
- J. American Society of MS
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Science Journals
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Literature Search
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