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Past Features

WWW ChemTools

  • Ion Formula by Mol. Weight
  • Isotope Pattern Calculator
  • Mass Loss Calculator
  • Periodic e-Table

WWW BioTools

  • EMBL Peptide Search - protein ID from peptide mass and sequence data
  • FindMod - post-translational modifications by peptide mass
  • GlycanMass - oligosaccharide mass from structure
  • GlycoMod - oligosaccharide structures from mass
  • GlycoSuiteDB - search database with oligosaccharide mass
  • Javascript Protein Digest - peptide digest masses
  • Javascipt Fragment Ion Generator for peptides
  • Mascot Search - peptide mass and sequence tools
  • Mowse - protein identification from peptide MS data
  • Protein Prospector - mass spectra interpretation tools
  • PROWL - identification of proteins from MS data

new look a hit !


www.i-mass.com 's new look proved a hit with a record number of visitors for the month of January 2002. In fact, the site recorded a record increase in the number of hits over past months - up over 37%. Have you toured the new site and features yet?

In addition to the site's stylish new look, major changes include the addition of i-mass jobs and i-mass guides ... the most extensive mass spectrometry employment and information resources on the web. These sub-sites feature distinctive colors to help you distinguish and navigate them. We've added new content, verified and revised existing links and adapted the site to appear correctly in all common browsers. We continue to host the site on the most up-to-date servers and routers so you can access www.i-mass.com from anywhere in the world - quickly and effortlessly. Despite these important changes, the entire www.i-mass.com site retains its easy-to-read-and-navigate features that you've come to expect without annoying animation and scripts that limit site access and downloading.

i-mass remains a truly international resource and we believe the first and only mass spectrometry web site you'll need to access directly. Before you try to find information on mass spectrometry anywhere on the web, visit www.i-mass.com first.

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MS Journals

  • European Mass Spectrom.
  • Intl. J. of Mass Spectrom.
  • J. American Society of MS
  • J. Mass Spectrometry
  • J. MS Society of Japan
  • Mass Spectrometry Reviews
  • Rapid Communications in MS

Science Journals

  • Analyst
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Nature
  • New Scientist
  • Science
  • Scientific American

Literature Search

  • Beilstein Abstracts
  • ChemWeb
  • Current Contents - ISI
  • PubMed - NCBI
  • PubScience - DOE

World Laboratories


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