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past feature
A Fishy Business
Scientists at the University of the West of England (UWE) have measured the concentration of the female sex hormone oestrogen in river water by gas chromatography-negative chemical ionisation mass spectrometry.
Small quantities of oestrogens are excreted from the body and enter the sewage system. Although these chemicals seem to be largely removed in sewage treatment, it seems that minute quantities remain and can enter rivers. These very low levels of oestrogens have been shown to be responsible for signs of sex changes in male fish in rivers to which sewage is discharged.
Beyond the appearance of female characteristics in fish, there is concern that such oestrogen levels may have a detrimental effect on human male fertility by being recycled back into the human food chain. There has also been a link to an increase in testicular cancer.
The project is a collaboration between UWE and the Environment Agency, and involves taking samples of water from the Thames in London. The techniques developed can also distinguish whether the hormones present are naturally occurring or result from use of the contraceptive pill. "We discovered that the largest concentrations in the River Thames are of naturally produced oestrogens" says Project leader Dr David McCalley. "We can now detect quantities of oestrogens down to levels equivalent to a pinch of sugar in an Olympic swimming pool. Our method is sensitive enough to allow direct chemical measurements of oestrogens in rivers, rather than measuring them indirectly through their biological effects."
The samples were taken from the lower reaches of the Thames. Dr McCalley stressed that the water in the higher reaches of the river, from where it is extracted for drinking purposes, was likely to be cleaner. "Our detection method could certainly be used to monitor levels in drinking water. At present there are no standards laid down for what levels of oestrogen are permissible in water, but now we have developed a way to monitor these levels it might lead to standards being set."
MS Journals
- European Mass Spectrom.
- Intl. J. of Mass Spectrom.
- J. American Society of MS
- J. Mass Spectrometry
- J. MS Society of Japan
- Mass Spectrometry Reviews
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Science Journals
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